SwfMillEditor, the "break-apart"

Saturday, September 12, 2009

After prototyping a single file with XML & hscript, i started creating proper classes for the different elements of the frontend application.

Currently, most of the work revolves the source editor, which is shown in the screenshot below.

When prototyping, the source editor was a simple window with an "onLoaded" action, that placed a textfield in it, made sure to resize it when needed, and maybe had a few other lines...

That code was replaced by a single line, instead of a window, an XmlEditor class, its imported into the main application, and sits in its own file, XmlEditor.hx, as something like:

class XmlEditor extends Window {
public static var layoutXml = Xml.parse('
// here comes its xml layout...

public function highlight() {...}
public function updateTree() {...}
This allowed much better writing, with the full power of haxe driving the bigger logic and small scripts handling the smaller, this is where it left its prototyping stage, and some of its features now are:
  • Llightning-fast highlighting with regular expressions
  • Tab\Shift-Tab indentation (with visual marks too)
  • Auto-close of opened tags
  • xsltproc can be called with indent.xsl to format the source
  • XML is parsed to a tree to provide a document outline (still slow as hell though...)
  • Attributes and values of the active tag (the one which contains the caret) are displayed in a list.

Second screenshot, shows the FileDialog class, tree is filled with directories, and the lists are filled with files and their stats, all data arrives via the neko backend, this should make it simpler to browse virtual filesystems too, like those that actually sit inside a remote database or in memory...

Checkout the shots below, and stay tuned for more, gershon.

P.S: sorry for the mis-spell on the note in the first screenshot, too late&lazy to fix it ;)

haxegui Ohloh page

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Spawned by a webcraweler, https://www.ohloh.net/p/haxegui, is a nice page, somewhere between this overly-flash-embedded blog and the plain googlecode page... Its statistics complain, as i have before, that
Over the past twelve months, only 3 developers contributed new code to haxegui, making this a relatively small project.
Well, by no means can the codebase be considered small, and its getting bigger, approximately 20k of haxe code, with about 500k more backing it up in XML data and HTML docs, Considering its capabilities, that ain't bad at all... Please consider using, contributing, asking and commenting, here, on the new ohloh page, on the haxe mailing-list or in #haxe on irc, your support can mean a lot, a good comment's worth 1k line of code ;) In an effort to enlarge the number code contributers, i have been writing more text, the GC wiki has a number of tutorials on some basic haxegui components, soon i'll start writing task-specific tutorials ("real world" practical examples, custom components, skinning tutorials...) Off to do some coding....